My Journal

Monday, September 11, 2023

In Remembrance of 9/11

It was on this day, 22 years ago, that America fell. The destruction and death toll was devastating to America. So many people lost their lives, along with so much destruction. This message is in remembrance of that day, 22 years ago, and the many people that lost their lives just so that "you know who" can start a war.


Monday, August 28, 2023

End Procrastination

Yes! I finally had the energy and ambition to take out the trash, and recycle the plastic, and wash my clothes at the laundromat. And so, now, all the trash cans are empty, the recycling container is empty, and all of my clothes are clean and put away.

And now, I'm just sitting here in my desk chair, listening to my upstairs neighbor making noise and just not giving a shit at all about his downstairs neighbor. Him and his fucked up son, just run around the upstairs and make noise like they're out of fucking gymnasium or something.

But that is the status quo. And soon, within just a few months, I'm going to be rid of that inconsiderate piece of shit that lives upstairs. Yes, I will have another place to live. Provided of course, that I can save enough money. I need to stop giving Sarah money. I need to cut back on my expenses here.

I need to resist buying a shotgun, and blasting the fuck out of the people upstairs. As they continue to make noise, walk around, creaking floorboards, and just being a fucking nuisance at every chance they get. Just know that soon, you will be able to move on to another place.

Another place that does not have an upstairs neighbor that doesn't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Just know, that soon you will be rid of this ridiculous fucking company that wants to charge you $750 a month just to live in the same shit hole. 

Fuck! I can hear the upstairs neighbors walking around right now. They don't give a fuck about anyone. Creaking floorboards, walking hard. And just not giving a shit about anyone but themselves. That's the way it has been for years. And I'm not going to live with it anymore.

I cannot take a stand. Because there is nothing I can do. Apparently, they have every fucking right to make as much fucking noise as they want to upstairs. And I cannot do anything about it. They rule the fucking world, apparently. 🙄


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Hump Day

Wednesday morning, 8:00 a.m. . I'm waiting to get loaded for Jonathan going to forkland. It should be an interesting day. A long drive for sure. I get paid tonight. I'm curious to see how big the paycheck is going to be. I'm not getting enough sleep. I'm staying up too late, studying for an online business. But, it should pay off once I get the ball rolling and get it started.

Try harder to get it started and get the ball rolling. I admit I'm eager to see how it turns out. But I am procrastinating getting it started. I think it's because of all the failed attempts in the past. Take your own advice and never give up. Stop screwing around playing games and watching videos and get started.


Monday, August 21, 2023

Typical Monday Morning

August 21st 2023 11:00 a.m. 

Yes, it is a typical Monday morning. I am at work. The truck is loaded with hot asphalt and I am working locally today. Just outside of Moundville, in the Big Sandy district. The road that we are paving is called Sandy Ridge. I would like to say that I did not get nearly as much done over the weekend as I thought I would. I did get a few things done, but it was mostly procrastination the whole time.

It's time to get other things done. Make a truck payment. Clean the bedroom. Clean the kitchen. Get some other things started online. Document your progress with notes. Plan, organize, and take action. It's too early to think about moving boxes and moving in general. Your birthday is going to come sooner than that. You can start planning what you're going to do for your birthday. Probably nothing. But think positive anyway.

Go over your notes on Clipto. Also, choose your favorite note taking apps and ditch the rest. It's just too much clutter. And your notes are spread out too thin. Get better organized by choosing your favorite no taking apps. Preferably down to one. I know it's going to be hard to choose, but I must simplify.


Thursday, August 3, 2023

Getting It All Figured Out

For a very long time, I have been trying to come up with a legitimate and legal way to earn money online. A system that does not take a lot of time to set up and do. After all, I do have a full-time job to maintain. Well, after a lot of research and planning, I have finally come up with a system for legitimately and legally earning money online. And not just a little bit. With a little bit more research and planning, I will be able to earn enough money from an online system, that I can finally make plans for an early retirement.

Research, plan, take action. That's my motto. That's what I do. And I have been doing it for a long time. And, I am finally starting to figure it all out. I have been tricked and scammed by people who just want to trick you into giving your money to them. I never did it. I've seen the scam coming a mile away. But it's still wasted my time and threw me off my research and planning. But, I get back on track very quickly. But it is still a waste of my time. But all I can do is just keep on moving forward and persevering until I succeed and come out on top.

My full-time job is the biggest issue. But, for right now, I need it to pay my bills. Many people know that life isn't easy. And for those that do think life is easy, were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Life is hard. Very hard! Everything takes money, because people are so incredibly greedy. It has been proven, time and time again, that people do NOT care how much of a bad situation you are in. They only care about the money in their pockets, and making more of it.

I am thankful for my job. I am thankful for what I have. I am thankful for the resources that are available to me. I am thankful for many things. And I am especially thankful for the knowledge that I have learned from doing my planning and research. All I need to do now, is continue planning and doing research, to build and create a successful online system for earning money. And begin my early retirement.


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Counting Down The Hours

Just two and a half hours left, and I get that big fat paycheck. Yes! It is going to be a big one! Because I worked a lot of hours last week. And believe me, I need it! Because, I'm trying to save as much money as I can. My lease and September 14th. And I have to be out of the apartment and in another apartment by that time. And so, I have to have enough money to pay the first month's rent on the new apartment, and also pay the rent on the remaining days left of the old apartment.

And then I have to transfer all the utilities to the new apartment. Although, I don't think that's going to cost me any more money to do that. It's just a pain in the ass. Because, not only do I have to transfer the services to my new apartment, I also have to go to the website and change the address of residency on all my accounts. I don't have to worry about changing the address on all of my social networks and blogs.

I'm not leaving Tuscaloosa. And, Tuscaloosa is all anyone needs to know, when it comes to my address on social networks and blogs. Don't forget to change your address on your phone. If you lose your phone, and someone finds it, you will want them to return it to the right address. Plan, organize, take action. That is what I do 🙂


Keeping Me Busy

ST Bunn has been keeping me busy this week. I have been hauling hot asphalt to the Tuscaloosa airport all week. And, it is such a short distance from the asphalt plant to the airport, that there is no time to rest. It is just go go go. It has not been a stressful week, but it sure has been a busy week. Just two more days, and I get to take some time off and rest. Looking forward to it.

We are getting a small break right now, while the paving crew figures out what they're going to do next. I'm sure we will get started back again, as soon as they are finished scratching their watches and winding their asses. Driving through this company does pay really well. I have no complaints about that. In fact, most of the time, job is far enough away, that I can just sit back and enjoy the ride.

But, the Tuscaloosa airport is so close to the asphalt plant, that there is no sitting back and enjoying the ride this time. But, I also know that it won't take very long, and we will be working another job, further away, and I won't feel so tired and exhausted by the end of the day. Back to normal, as one might say. 


Saturday, July 8, 2023

In With The New

It's been two days now, since I started driving truck 120. It is a brand new dump truck. And, of course, it's going to have some problems that need to be fixed. Because, just like every other production factory, they don't always use high-end parts. So that they can still sell a decent dump truck, but keep the costs down. And so, on the second day of driving the truck, a brake line gets a hole in it, because it was rubbing up against the edge of a steel plate in the back of the truck. And so, now the truck is parked at the mechanics shop, and the mechanics will come in on Monday and fix the problem.

On a lighter note, on my first day of driving the truck, I was parking the truck and getting out of the truck, at the end of the day, and one of my coworkers, who is fairly new to the company, got all excited, and said wow! You have the new truck! I said yeah! He said, so you really are important here. Irreplaceable! As one might say.  I said yeah, you could say that. 🙂

And so, he shook my hand and congratulated me. And I explained to him that this is nothing new to me. Really, the last truck I drove was brand new when I started driving it too. Truck 112 was brand new, 2 years ago, when I started driving it. And so, you can say that I am getting a new truck every two years.  He smiled and looked upon me as one of the higher-ups of the company. But, really, I am just a dependable, reliable, and really good driver. And the company knows that.

Out with the old

In with the new

I come to work on time everyday, for years and years, and I do my job well and properly. I'm friendly and respectful, and intelligent and I make really good decisions. And Bob's your uncle. If you don't know what "Bob's your uncle" means. It is a common phrase used in the UK that means "and there you have it"  Just to be clear, I am not in the United Kingdom , nor have I ever been in the UK. But, I do enjoy using the phrase. 


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Truck 120

I seen it! Driving home from work on the interstate. Here comes truck 120. Driving down the opposite lane, heading for the shop. It is the truck I have been waiting for. Truck 120. I have been driving truck 112 for a couple of years, and it's time to trade up. And so, I need to clean out truck 112, and get it ready for the next driver. Get out all of my belongings, and put them in truck 120.

Brand new! Truck 120. And Dooley is assigning it to me. He said that it is an extended cab. That will be nice! They have a little bit more wiggle room inside the truck. Oh yeah! Anyway, I'm not really expecting truck 120 to be ready to drive tomorrow. Maybe in another day or two. For now, I will just continue driving truck 112 until truck 120 is ready. I have no problem with that whatsoever.

With all that said, today was pretty uneventful. With the exception of trying to find where Snake was loading trucks at GAF. As it turns out, he was all the way in the back, next to the warehouse. And after driving around for a few minutes, I did finally find him. Aside from that, as I said, it was a pretty uneventful day. I just hauled shingles all day long. With the AC kicking on high of course. Because this is summertime! And it is hot! Moy caliente! 

And now, it's good to be home. I kicked on the ac, and the apartment is cooling down, and soon I will be chillin'. But, it won't last long. Because I'm already drowsy from not getting much sleep last night. And soon, I will hear my pillow calling my name, louder and louder. And soon, I will lay down and drift off to sleep. Yeah! It's true! I have lots of other things to do. Blogs, websites, notes. But, if I can't think straight, because I'm too tired, then I won't get anything done anyway. When you get time, see if you can add HTML and CSS to Wouldn't that be cool?


Monday, July 3, 2023

My 4th of July Weekend

 Nothing really independent about my Independence Day. My rent is due. I have the money in the form of a money order. But, the management office is closed. And so, I cannot pay the rent. They don't need to be closed on the 3rd of July. Just on the 4th of July. But, they are closed on the 3rd of July, and so I cannot pay the rent on time. And so, there's going to be a late fee that I have to pay, simply because they are not open on a regular business day.

I'm not taking the blame for this. It's a company that works directly with customers, and so they should be open on a regular business day. And so, here I am, stuck with a money order for the rent, and I cannot even cash the money order for another 10 days. Because institutions are telling me that I need to wait 10 days to cash the money order. It's absolute bullshit. 

Well, aside from all of that bullshit, My 4th of July weekend has been pretty mundane. I am just trying to take it easy and enjoy the weekend. But, there are still many things that I need to do. I'm still working on two websites, two blogs, writing a book, And organizing all of my activities in an organizer. While still maintaining my priorities. There are certain apps that have really helped me stay organized. Such as Workflowy, Notion, and Colornote.  (I'm not affiliated with these apps)

I am thankful for these apps because they really do help me stay organized. And, for the most part, they do help me stay on task, and prioritize.  I digress. I have been procrastinating today. When I should be sticking to my tasks, I have just been kicking back and taking it easy and just watching videos on YouTube. Eating delicious food and drink. I'm trying to get my mind right. This bullshit with not being able to pay the rent on time really has my mind cloudy. I need to set that aside and just concentrate on enjoying the rest of my weekend with my mind at ease. Easier said than done.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Get Off The Brakes!

I'm not on the brakes, you fucking moron! Rev the spreader up a little bit higher to give it more power. I don't mind that you are an idiot. Just don't show your idiocy to me. I see enough of that already. What a day this turned out to be!

Yeah! It was okay at first. And then some idiot asshole at the job site thought that I am the one responsible for making the spreader move too slow. And he kept on yelling! Get off the brakes! Get off the brakes! The fucking moron doesn't even know if I'm on the brakes or not. Yet, he's going to yell it like he fucking knows it. Piece of shit mother fucker!

Well, that's that. I'm off work now. I already clocked out and I'm going to stop at the local store and buy a few things that I need for home. And then I'm going to go home and chill. Let this be the end of this day. So that I may get a good night's sleep, and try for a good day tomorrow. Just forget about it. Don't dwell on it. Let It Go. Think happy thoughts. Eat, drink, and be merry.


Weird Week

 It's been a weird week so far. Monday was okay, except that my boss kept moving me around from job to job, to send me where I am needed the most. Tuesday was very strange. Everything was going smoothly until I got pulled over by a State trooper for a routine truck inspection. Everything checked out except I had a low tire. And the tire was just a little bit low. But it was enough to send me to the shop to have the tire replaced. Imagine that! Replacing a tire just because it's little bit low on air.

And not just one tire. Snyder fleet solutions came to the shop and replaced both tires of the tandem. Drivers side rear rear. In all actuality, only one tire needed to be repaired. Not replaced! Just repaired. But, they ended up replacing both tires of the same tandem, with brand new tires. It doesn't make any sense to me, but it's not my money. And so, after waiting at the shop for about an hour, they finally finished it, and I went back to work.

Brad asked me if I did a walk around inspection of the vehicle in the morning before I started off. I said yes! And I kicked all the tires and they were fine. Shit happens. I probably just picked up nail. He said, yeah, I just needed to ask. I said okay. And so, I finished out the day, hauling asphalt, and everything went smoothly from there. 

Now, it is Wednesday morning. I am at the new plant and waiting to get loaded with asphalt for Adam, going to highway 82 in Coker. Everything should run smoothly today, without any complications. But only time will tell. But, that's just the way life is. Everything seems uneventful, until shit happens. And then it really puts a toll on my psyche. But, I am trying to learn how to deal with that and overcome it. At the very least, manage it better. At the most, I won't let it phase me at all. But, with everything else, it's just going to take more time.


Monday, June 12, 2023

A Bad Day

 I woke up late this morning and ended up late for work. My boss was okay with it. Because I am normally on time. I hauled sand for a while, and then my boss called me and asked me to haul asphalt. So, I was rinsing out the bed of the truck, and then I noticed that there is a leak in the hose that was spraying on me. It soaked the whole side of my body. Lucky for me, I keep a change of clothes with me at all times. And so, I had to change my clothes before continuing to rinse the truck bed to haul asphalt. 

It gets better

After all that, it was smooth sailing. I had no more problems for the rest of the day. I only hauled one load of asphalt to the job in Crown Pointe, for Adam. After Adam was finished with the asphalt trucks, I tried to haul one more load of sand, but George had already closed the sand pit. No big deal. I just turned around and went back to the asphalt plant. I fueled up the truck, parked the truck, finished by paperwork, clocked out, and went home. It was pretty uneventful. I'm just happy that my day got better.
