Monday, September 11, 2023
In Remembrance of 9/11
Monday, August 28, 2023
End Procrastination
Yes! I finally had the energy and ambition to take out the trash, and recycle the plastic, and wash my clothes at the laundromat. And so, now, all the trash cans are empty, the recycling container is empty, and all of my clothes are clean and put away.
And now, I'm just sitting here in my desk chair, listening to my upstairs neighbor making noise and just not giving a shit at all about his downstairs neighbor. Him and his fucked up son, just run around the upstairs and make noise like they're out of fucking gymnasium or something.
But that is the status quo. And soon, within just a few months, I'm going to be rid of that inconsiderate piece of shit that lives upstairs. Yes, I will have another place to live. Provided of course, that I can save enough money. I need to stop giving Sarah money. I need to cut back on my expenses here.
I need to resist buying a shotgun, and blasting the fuck out of the people upstairs. As they continue to make noise, walk around, creaking floorboards, and just being a fucking nuisance at every chance they get. Just know that soon, you will be able to move on to another place.
Another place that does not have an upstairs neighbor that doesn't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Just know, that soon you will be rid of this ridiculous fucking company that wants to charge you $750 a month just to live in the same shit hole.
Fuck! I can hear the upstairs neighbors walking around right now. They don't give a fuck about anyone. Creaking floorboards, walking hard. And just not giving a shit about anyone but themselves. That's the way it has been for years. And I'm not going to live with it anymore.
I cannot take a stand. Because there is nothing I can do. Apparently, they have every fucking right to make as much fucking noise as they want to upstairs. And I cannot do anything about it. They rule the fucking world, apparently. 🙄
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Hump Day
Monday, August 21, 2023
Typical Monday Morning
Thursday, August 3, 2023
Getting It All Figured Out
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Counting Down The Hours
Keeping Me Busy
Saturday, July 8, 2023
In With The New
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Truck 120
Monday, July 3, 2023
My 4th of July Weekend
Nothing really independent about my Independence Day. My rent is due. I have the money in the form of a money order. But, the management office is closed. And so, I cannot pay the rent. They don't need to be closed on the 3rd of July. Just on the 4th of July. But, they are closed on the 3rd of July, and so I cannot pay the rent on time. And so, there's going to be a late fee that I have to pay, simply because they are not open on a regular business day.
I'm not taking the blame for this. It's a company that works directly with customers, and so they should be open on a regular business day. And so, here I am, stuck with a money order for the rent, and I cannot even cash the money order for another 10 days. Because institutions are telling me that I need to wait 10 days to cash the money order. It's absolute bullshit.
Well, aside from all of that bullshit, My 4th of July weekend has been pretty mundane. I am just trying to take it easy and enjoy the weekend. But, there are still many things that I need to do. I'm still working on two websites, two blogs, writing a book, And organizing all of my activities in an organizer. While still maintaining my priorities. There are certain apps that have really helped me stay organized. Such as Workflowy, Notion, and Colornote. (I'm not affiliated with these apps)
I am thankful for these apps because they really do help me stay organized. And, for the most part, they do help me stay on task, and prioritize. I digress. I have been procrastinating today. When I should be sticking to my tasks, I have just been kicking back and taking it easy and just watching videos on YouTube. Eating delicious food and drink. I'm trying to get my mind right. This bullshit with not being able to pay the rent on time really has my mind cloudy. I need to set that aside and just concentrate on enjoying the rest of my weekend with my mind at ease. Easier said than done.
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Get Off The Brakes!
Weird Week
It's been a weird week so far. Monday was okay, except that my boss kept moving me around from job to job, to send me where I am needed the most. Tuesday was very strange. Everything was going smoothly until I got pulled over by a State trooper for a routine truck inspection. Everything checked out except I had a low tire. And the tire was just a little bit low. But it was enough to send me to the shop to have the tire replaced. Imagine that! Replacing a tire just because it's little bit low on air.
And not just one tire. Snyder fleet solutions came to the shop and replaced both tires of the tandem. Drivers side rear rear. In all actuality, only one tire needed to be repaired. Not replaced! Just repaired. But, they ended up replacing both tires of the same tandem, with brand new tires. It doesn't make any sense to me, but it's not my money. And so, after waiting at the shop for about an hour, they finally finished it, and I went back to work.
Brad asked me if I did a walk around inspection of the vehicle in the morning before I started off. I said yes! And I kicked all the tires and they were fine. Shit happens. I probably just picked up nail. He said, yeah, I just needed to ask. I said okay. And so, I finished out the day, hauling asphalt, and everything went smoothly from there.
Now, it is Wednesday morning. I am at the new plant and waiting to get loaded with asphalt for Adam, going to highway 82 in Coker. Everything should run smoothly today, without any complications. But only time will tell. But, that's just the way life is. Everything seems uneventful, until shit happens. And then it really puts a toll on my psyche. But, I am trying to learn how to deal with that and overcome it. At the very least, manage it better. At the most, I won't let it phase me at all. But, with everything else, it's just going to take more time.
StephenMonday, June 12, 2023
A Bad Day
I woke up late this morning and ended up late for work. My boss was okay with it. Because I am normally on time. I hauled sand for a while, and then my boss called me and asked me to haul asphalt. So, I was rinsing out the bed of the truck, and then I noticed that there is a leak in the hose that was spraying on me. It soaked the whole side of my body. Lucky for me, I keep a change of clothes with me at all times. And so, I had to change my clothes before continuing to rinse the truck bed to haul asphalt.
It gets better
After all that, it was smooth sailing. I had no more problems for the rest of the day. I only hauled one load of asphalt to the job in Crown Pointe, for Adam. After Adam was finished with the asphalt trucks, I tried to haul one more load of sand, but George had already closed the sand pit. No big deal. I just turned around and went back to the asphalt plant. I fueled up the truck, parked the truck, finished by paperwork, clocked out, and went home. It was pretty uneventful. I'm just happy that my day got better.