My Journal

Saturday, July 8, 2023

In With The New

It's been two days now, since I started driving truck 120. It is a brand new dump truck. And, of course, it's going to have some problems that need to be fixed. Because, just like every other production factory, they don't always use high-end parts. So that they can still sell a decent dump truck, but keep the costs down. And so, on the second day of driving the truck, a brake line gets a hole in it, because it was rubbing up against the edge of a steel plate in the back of the truck. And so, now the truck is parked at the mechanics shop, and the mechanics will come in on Monday and fix the problem.

On a lighter note, on my first day of driving the truck, I was parking the truck and getting out of the truck, at the end of the day, and one of my coworkers, who is fairly new to the company, got all excited, and said wow! You have the new truck! I said yeah! He said, so you really are important here. Irreplaceable! As one might say.  I said yeah, you could say that. 🙂

And so, he shook my hand and congratulated me. And I explained to him that this is nothing new to me. Really, the last truck I drove was brand new when I started driving it too. Truck 112 was brand new, 2 years ago, when I started driving it. And so, you can say that I am getting a new truck every two years.  He smiled and looked upon me as one of the higher-ups of the company. But, really, I am just a dependable, reliable, and really good driver. And the company knows that.

Out with the old

In with the new

I come to work on time everyday, for years and years, and I do my job well and properly. I'm friendly and respectful, and intelligent and I make really good decisions. And Bob's your uncle. If you don't know what "Bob's your uncle" means. It is a common phrase used in the UK that means "and there you have it"  Just to be clear, I am not in the United Kingdom , nor have I ever been in the UK. But, I do enjoy using the phrase. 
