Nothing really independent about my Independence Day. My rent is due. I have the money in the form of a money order. But, the management office is closed. And so, I cannot pay the rent. They don't need to be closed on the 3rd of July. Just on the 4th of July. But, they are closed on the 3rd of July, and so I cannot pay the rent on time. And so, there's going to be a late fee that I have to pay, simply because they are not open on a regular business day.
I'm not taking the blame for this. It's a company that works directly with customers, and so they should be open on a regular business day. And so, here I am, stuck with a money order for the rent, and I cannot even cash the money order for another 10 days. Because institutions are telling me that I need to wait 10 days to cash the money order. It's absolute bullshit.
Well, aside from all of that bullshit, My 4th of July weekend has been pretty mundane. I am just trying to take it easy and enjoy the weekend. But, there are still many things that I need to do. I'm still working on two websites, two blogs, writing a book, And organizing all of my activities in an organizer. While still maintaining my priorities. There are certain apps that have really helped me stay organized. Such as Workflowy, Notion, and Colornote. (I'm not affiliated with these apps)
I am thankful for these apps because they really do help me stay organized. And, for the most part, they do help me stay on task, and prioritize. I digress. I have been procrastinating today. When I should be sticking to my tasks, I have just been kicking back and taking it easy and just watching videos on YouTube. Eating delicious food and drink. I'm trying to get my mind right. This bullshit with not being able to pay the rent on time really has my mind cloudy. I need to set that aside and just concentrate on enjoying the rest of my weekend with my mind at ease. Easier said than done.