Yes! I finally had the energy and ambition to take out the trash, and recycle the plastic, and wash my clothes at the laundromat. And so, now, all the trash cans are empty, the recycling container is empty, and all of my clothes are clean and put away.
And now, I'm just sitting here in my desk chair, listening to my upstairs neighbor making noise and just not giving a shit at all about his downstairs neighbor. Him and his fucked up son, just run around the upstairs and make noise like they're out of fucking gymnasium or something.
But that is the status quo. And soon, within just a few months, I'm going to be rid of that inconsiderate piece of shit that lives upstairs. Yes, I will have another place to live. Provided of course, that I can save enough money. I need to stop giving Sarah money. I need to cut back on my expenses here.
I need to resist buying a shotgun, and blasting the fuck out of the people upstairs. As they continue to make noise, walk around, creaking floorboards, and just being a fucking nuisance at every chance they get. Just know that soon, you will be able to move on to another place.
Another place that does not have an upstairs neighbor that doesn't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Just know, that soon you will be rid of this ridiculous fucking company that wants to charge you $750 a month just to live in the same shit hole.
Fuck! I can hear the upstairs neighbors walking around right now. They don't give a fuck about anyone. Creaking floorboards, walking hard. And just not giving a shit about anyone but themselves. That's the way it has been for years. And I'm not going to live with it anymore.
I cannot take a stand. Because there is nothing I can do. Apparently, they have every fucking right to make as much fucking noise as they want to upstairs. And I cannot do anything about it. They rule the fucking world, apparently. 🙄