My Journal

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

So Far So Easy

Another easy morning at ST Bunn. I am here, with 4 other drivers, at a stockpile, off of highway 43, in Northport, Alabama. We are all loaded and waiting to get started. Dooley is having a meeting with state officials, about this road job. And we are instructed to stay here, at the stockpile location, until the meeting is finished, and they are ready to get started. 

Most of the job is already finished. We only have about a mile left to go. And the job will be finished. And we will be able to move on to another job. We all worked late yesterday, I clocked out at 7:40 p.m. . And I got home about 8:15 p.m. . I did not stay awake too long. I went to sleep about 10:00 p.m. . I got plenty of sleep, and I feel fully rested this morning. 

I already paid the rent. And I already made the pickup truck payment last week. The only bills that are left now are the utility bills. I also paid for the server cost, to keep my website up and running. The email marketing website is going to be another $30, in about 10 days. I have it. I will pay it. The email marketing business that I just recently started looks very promising. I hope to do very well at it. But I still have a lot to learn about sending email using the can-spam compliancy and proper etiquette. 

I'm also having trouble finding good affiliate offers. Most of them is just junk. It does not work. And it is overpriced. It is very hard to find an offer that is worthy of advertising in an email. But, I must not give up. I must keep looking. I will try other affiliate program websites. Hopefully, I will find a good one that I can use on a regular basis. 
