No! He stood there talking to other drivers, while the spreader machine is running up our ass. So, I got out of my truck, and I said to him, we are packed in like rats here, please pull your truck forward. And he said, packed in like rats huh?
I said, yeah! Do you see how close these trucks are to each other? Do you see that the spreading machine is coming up on a large group of trucks that are packed in tight together, very fast? Do you see that? Will you please pull forward. Finally! It's sunk in! And he walked to his truck and pulled his truck forward.
I don't understand what type of convincing is needed, to trigger the common sense needed, to see that these trucks do not need to be packed in so closely like this. Pull forward! Spread out! Stop the damn spreader machine from running up the next truck's ass! Bushel baskets full of stupidity! 😡
On another note, it is Friday, May 10th, 2024. And I am ready for this day to be over. I am ready to start the weekend. I have some great plans that involve mean earning money. And, I'm going to learn, take notes, plan, organize, and take action. Absofreakinlutely!