My Journal

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Your Mind Is A Cluttered Mess

 It seems that creating notes to help you figure out what to do and how to do it next, isn't enough. Not only do your notes need to be organized, but there needs to be an organized way to do things, inside each note. And so, in order to organize in your head, you have to organize in the notes also. 

Explain each step that you take, and the reason why you need to take that step. Give details and descriptions of each step and why it needs to be done. Use bullet lists or numbered lists to organize the note. I will break it down for you. Because your brain is so cluttered when you are at home.

Step 1. 

Use the Google Chrome audio catcher extension to capture audio for your blog and videos.


The Google Chrome audio catcher extension that is on your Google Chrome browser for your desktop computer, can be used to capture and save audio from web pages into an audio file such as .WAV or .MP3. after capturing and saving the audio file, it can be uploaded to a cloud, such as Google drive. And then it can be used in an audio player on your blog, or as the voiceover in a video. 


Is this really important? Do I really need to give a reason for each step? Okay fine! Websites such as ElevenLabs want to charge money for their voices. I have the money, for right now. But if I continue to pay them monthly to use their services, then I will not have that money anymore. Obviously. And right now, business at work is slow. And I am on a budget, so to speak. And so money is a little bit tight until I can get the online business opportunities rolling.  Step one is a free method. It does not cost me any money. As long as it works well, I will continue using it, as long as it does not consume too much of my time to piece it all together. 

So there you go, Stephen. That is how you will create a note for each step. No! Not a separate note for each step. It will be in step, description, reason, format, all the way down the page of the same note. 


Getting It Figured Out

It's been a long time coming, but I am finally starting to figure out a system. A method. Let's face it, I do not want to retire as a truck driver. I want to retire as an online marketer, influencer, and content creator.  There has been many trials and many fails, but I believe I finally got a working system. It's all in my head, but I do need to get it written down on paper or digital note. 

Have AI help you with writing stories with a moral to the story at the end. These stories can be in long-form video, short form video, and blog posts. You already have the tools on your computer, to make this happen. You only need to create a list of the steps that you take and the tools that you use, to perform each action. AI can also summarize a long story so that it fits well into a short video.  You can also use the summarized story on Facebook posts for your profile and your page. And, of course, post the summarized story on all other social platforms that you are a member of. 

Blogging, content creation, and eventually my own website.  I don't think it's too much. I think it's just fine. And it all fits well into my niche. It's just going to take some time to put it all together and create a routine and a system for the blogging and content creation. When I say content creation, I am of course talking about making videos, and the summarized posts on social media. Create a step system as soon as you can. The sooner that you create the step system, the sooner you can get it out of your jumbled head.
